King's Palace
In Dam Square is the beautiful Dutch Royal Palace that belonged to the family Orange-Nassau.
It was also the old town hall in the city and it's all Dutch power milestone called "Golden Age", and perhaps one of the most important buildings of the city.
The building, designed by architect Jacob Van Campens, was begun in 1648 and completed in 1665, under the supervision of architect Daniël Stalpaert city.

Maastricht mill...
That vision romantico.Il Maastricht mill is known by the name of "De Bisschopsmolen". It is a very cozy and romantic corner of the city center, the perfect place to have a good image foreshortening. Besides being easy on the eye, the plant also has a history dating back to the seventh century, but is in excellent condition, having been restored in 2004.
The Netherlands has been inhabited since the last ice age, the oldest remains found are older than 100,000 years. During the last glaciation, the country had a tundra climate with very little vegetation. Its first inhabitants were hunter-gatherers. At the end of the Ice Age, the area was inhabited by several groups Paleolithic. One group even built canoes (Pesse, to 9000. C.) and after that, about 8000. C., a Mesolithic tribe resided near Bergumermeer (Friesland).
Agriculture came to the Netherlands to the year 5000. C., through linear pottery culture (probably from the farms of central Europe), but was only practiced in the plains of the southern tip of the country (South Limburg). The knowledge of this culture were used to construct the remaining farms in the Netherlands due to the lack of domestic animals and tools.
After the first farmers leave the Netherlands around 4500. C., were only hunters and gatherers (with a settlement in 4300 to Swifterband around. C. as an exception), as hunters vlaardinga culture (around 2600 a. C.).